Cornell School District

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Children's Grief Awareness Day - Nov. 15th

Sydney and Maya chose their senior project by taking their personal stories and using them to help other students throughout the school. They chose to work with The Caring Place and hold an assembly on October 15th, 2018. The Caring Place is a center for kids, teens, and families that have peer to peer help with their grief. They explained how The Caring Place help their lives and how they are doing now. They have intertwined Children’s Grief Awareness Day which is on November 15th, 2018. We ask to wear blue on this day for Hope. They sold shirts to donate all profit to The Caring Place. We are beyond lucky to work with The Caring Place. We would love for you to participate in Children’s Grief Awareness Day. If you would like, take a picture wearing blue and hashtag CGAD or hashtag HOPE!