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Employment Opportunities

Join the Cornell School District Team


At Cornell School District, we are dedicated to fostering a supportive and dynamic environment where staff members can thrive and contribute to the success of every student. Below, you will find our current staffing needs. If you or someone you know is interested in one of the listed positions, please get in touch with the individual specified for each role to learn more. Please apply using the job applications linked at the bottom of the page. Links and costs are provided to obtain the required pre-employment clearances.


We look forward to welcoming talented professionals who share our commitment to excellence and our mission to maximize the potential of all learners.


Secondary Special Education


Cornell School District is hiring a secondary (7-12) special education teacher effective for the start of the 2024-2025 school year.  Interested applicants can contact:


Mrs. Carla Antoniades 

Director of Pupil Services 

Cornell School District

1099 Maple Street Ext.

Coraopolis, PA 15108


You can email resumes and supporting documents to [email protected].


Or apply for the job posting on the PA Educator Website.


Cornell School District is currently in need of Day-to-Day Substitute Teachers


Cornell School District is looking for day-to-day substitutes at the elementary and secondary levels.  The Cornell School District does work with an outside partner, Precision HR, to find and assign building substitutes.  Individuals interested in getting on Cornell's teacher substitute list can contact Mrs. Carla Antoniades, Director of Pupil Services, at 412-264-5010 Extension 1113 for more information, or they can contact Precision HR at the following web address:


Substitute Clerical Help


The District is in search of substitute clerical staff. These individuals help the offices run by answering phones, greeting visitors, and working with the administration in different ways. Individuals will be trained on our student information system as needed. Interested individuals can contact: 


Mr. Jeffrey Carter


Cornell Elementary

1099 Maple Street Ext.

Coraopolis, PA 15108


You can email resumes and supporting documents to [email protected]


Part-Time and Full-Time Custodial Staff


The Cornell School District is looking for part-time and full-time custodians.  Individuals would work from 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM during the school year, and summer hours would be shifted to daylight.  Health benefits and pension plans are available for full-time employees in addition to competitive salaries.  Interested individuals can contact:


Mr. Brian Dry

Custodial Supervisor

Cornell School District

1099 Maple Street Ext.

Coraopolis, PA 15108


You can email resumes and supporting documents to [email protected].


Alternative Substitute Certification Information - Allegheny Intermediate Unit SmartSTART Program


If you have a BA/BS degree and want to make a positive impact on children, the Allegheny Intermediate Unit has openings for Day-to-Day Substitute Teachers for the Cornell School District. By applying to the SmartSTART Program, you can earn extra money, have a flexible work schedule, and make a difference.


  • Go to, click on Careers, and then SmartSTART.
  • You will need to complete and submit an application online.
  • The website will list qualifications, application directions, and frequently asked questions.




Cornell School  District has contracted with Student Transportation of Pennsylvania (STA) to provide student transportation services to the district.  STA is NOW HIRING!  If interested, please call the Coraopolis terminal (412-269-9970) or apply online at


Should there be any questions about daily transportation services, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms. Fabian or Ms. Reilly using the information noted below:


Lynn Fabian Deb Reilly
Terminal Manager Dispatcher
[email protected] [email protected]
412-269-9970 412-269-9970


STA Logo


Request for Criminal Record Check - Act 34


Section 1-111 of the Pennsylvania School Code requires that all applicants for school employment, including those of independent contractors but excluding employees who do not have direct contact with students, must obtain a criminal background check. All applicants are required to submit a Request for Criminal Record Check to the Pennsylvania State Police. The results will be returned directly to you and must be submitted to the school entity you seek employment.


Criminal reports may be obtained electronically from the Pennsylvania State Police. The Pennsylvania Access to Criminal History (PATCH) Invoice for Criminal Record Check, which has a copy of the State seal embedded on the paper, is an official record check.


Pennsylvania Access To Criminal History


 Federal Criminal History Record - Act 114


As of April 1, 2007, Act 114 of 2006 requires that ALL prospective employees of public and private schools, including their independent contractors and employees but excluding employees who do not have direct contact with students, undergo background checks. Applicants must submit their background check reports to prospective public and private school employers. The law also requires student teachers to undergo background checks and present their reports to their higher education institution before field experience.


ALL public and private schools must review the background check reports, including the federal criminal history record information (CHRI) reports of all prospective employees and independent contractors who will have contact with children.


The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has switched to a new electronic fingerprinting vendor, IDEMIA, for Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal history background checks. IDEMIA began processing FBI criminal history checks on November 28, 2017. For registration and fingerprint location, please visit the IDEMIA website.


Payment - The applicant will pay a fee of $24.95 for the fingerprint service and to secure an unofficial copy of the Criminal History Record. Major Credit Cards and money orders or cashier’s checks payable to MorphoTrust will be accepted on-site for applicants who must pay individually. No cash transactions or personal checks are allowed.


Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance - Act 151


In addition to the criminal background check, Sections 6354-6358 (Act 151) of the Public Welfare Code requires that all applicants for school employment, Pennsylvania residents and non-residents, also obtain a Child Abuse History Clearance. This request is submitted to the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Information Solution. The Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance Form (CY 113) may be obtained from the school to which you are applying for employment or by following the link to the PA Department of Human Services.


Registration and Payment - A secure website is provided for individuals who want their Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance processed online. The Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance Check will provide the applicant information as to whether or not they are listed in the Pennsylvania statewide database as a perpetrator of child abuse. The Child Abuse History Clearance requires payment of $13.00.